Easy Data Collection for Museums & Galleries with piHappiness Visitor Satisfaction Survey Software

In t oday’s day and age, vent ures rely on advert ising t heir customer experience more than their services. This is primarily due to visitors and customers being more impressed by how they are treated by ventures rather than just getting the services they want. This shift of customers’ needs demands that ventures incorporate a good visitor satisfaction survey software like piHappiness into their work structure to drastically improve their customer experience.

What is piHappiness Visitor Experience Software?

piHappiness visitor experience platform helps you capture a customer’s journey while they engage with your venture. This helps in getting valuable feedback about how they felt about their journey as a whole. This ultimately helps your venture in getting a broad idea about how it can grow by catering to the needs of your customers, which is as easily said as done with piHappiness’ visitor experience feedback app.

Application features of piHappiness Visitor Satisfaction Survey Software

01. Quick Installation

02. Gather Insightful Data

03. Design Your Ideal Visitor Experience Platform

04. Flexible Services

05. Multi-Channel Client Feedback

piHappiness as a Platform to Measure & Enhance Visitor Satisfaction.

Real-time Visitor Experience Feedback

Within 30 seconds, our app collects the core customer insights. The piHappiness visitor feedback platform is the fastest way to know your customer satisfaction. Comprehensive dynamic questionnaire and reports are delivered to the management system. The feedback-collecting emoticons and Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) keeps track of your customer’s experience and you receive instant feedback.

Responsive Visitor Experience Management

piHappiness improves retention and loyalty of visitors by responding to their feedback directly from the platform. The complaints and suggestions are taken care of by the management on receiving real-time notifications by emails. A feedback acknowledgment is reverted to the visitors making them feel cared for.

Allocate Department-Centric Performance

piHappiness a visitor experience software monitors every report in detail and marks them for review. It allows the authorities to pitch tasks for the relevant staff to address customers concerns according to departments. Businesses see it as an opportunity to enhance customer loyalty by effective resolution of the negative feedback. Customer communication workflows are customizable as per requirement.

How Does it Gather your Visitor’s Satisfaction?

  • piHappiness implements a metric system to measure customer experience. The app uses a fully customized system using emoticons to collect feedback from the visitors. The reports include comprehensive information about the visitor experience. It contains demographics regarding age group, type, and gender, which aids businesses in providing focused customer services.
  • It displays Net Promoter Score® (NPS) that indicates visitors’ satisfaction and their willingness to promote your facilities. NPS is an important addition as it helps accelerate newly added services for a healthy experience and boost brand promotion.
  • piHappiness creates a culture of visitor centricity by making feedback available to your teams. It contextualizes visitor data by connecting the survey to your CRM. It collaborates the survey data which empowers the management systems to make better decisions. The existing business systems trigger a survey to the visitors, automating their feedback.

Scope of Visitor Satisfaction Survey Software

By following a visitor-centric approach, piHappiness creates meaningful and memorable experiences for visitors. It helps the staff in doing everything they can to make their visit pleasant. Prime focus on actionable insights has led to increased productivity. This has refined the service standards for better visitor experience.

Get in contact with our experts and install our visitor satisfaction survey software to increase your revenue and obtain other benefits by getting reports from your visitors. Insightful feedback can guide product and service development to focus your resources on what customers really want from you as a provider. We help in collecting data to identify and eliminate problems.