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Are you in search of numerous ways to improve patient satisfaction in healthcare centers? If so, you have arrived at the right place! In this blog entry, we will give you a short guide on how to do just that.  

In the following blog, you will sort out how patient satisfaction has evolved, and how you can start using patient satisfaction surveys or patient feedback surveys as a part of a wider effort to improve the start-to-finish patient involvement in our definitive guide. 

Today, many healthcare organizations are asking patients for feedback as a part of their efforts to improve patient satisfaction. It’s an approach largely born out of the consumer industry’s success with customer experience programs that seek to increase loyalty and revenue by improving satisfaction.

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However, the question that arises is whether patient satisfaction is really valuable. In recent years, many top healthcare organizations have begun moving away from satisfaction as a KPI, and instead, they are moving towards a more holistic patient experience program.   

Difference Between Patient Experience and Patient Satisfaction

Patient experience and patient satisfaction are both healthcare terms and have been used frequently interchangeably. Although they may look similar but as a matter of fact, they are both different terms, and have entirely different significance to healthcare experts.     

It is important to comprehend the difference in both concepts and apply them properly. Doing so will unquestionably drive patient-focused care and furthermore assist you with conveying the best experience. Both patient satisfaction and patient experience are fundamental tools for getting data on how to boost overall care.  

Patient Satisfaction

Patient Satisfaction is connected with a patient’s expectations during their care experience. It is a significant proportion of medical services quality and is a vital determinant of patients’ point of view and behavioral intention.  

Suppose there are 2 individuals who get similar care from their doctors and have a different set of expectations of how that care should be delivered, can give different fulfillment ratings due to the various expectations. 

Patient satisfaction would be about seeing whether the patient was satisfied with the room design. 

How experts were the lab associates or x-beam staff?

Patient Experience  

Healthcare professionals give more importance to patient experience because it helps in quality improvement in clinics and hospitals. Conducting a patient experience survey can assist in deciding if quality measures have been met or not. 

The patient experience comprises of a progression of interactions that people have with the medical system, containing their treatment from health plans, and also from doctors, nurses, and the staff in hospitals, doctor procedures, and various other medical services. The Patient Satisfaction Survey questions ought to be utilized to improve the patient experience. 

Patient Experience is one of the most essential parts of medical care quality. It comprises various parts of medical care delivery that patients value to a great extent when they look for and get care. 

For instance, great communication with medical care suppliers, getting timely appointments, simple access to data, and so on. Finding out if they had access to their healthcare records or not is a measure of the Patient Experience. 

Does Patient Satisfaction Still Matters?  

Patient satisfaction surveys are still very important, especially in countries like the United States where repayments are dependent upon accomplishing high patient satisfaction scores. 

However, this should be seen as a part of a wider patient experience program.   

After all, many elements of the patient lifecycle mimic the consumer experience, such as investigating and choosing a new medical services supplier, booking an appointment through an internet-based entrance, or contacting support to resolve a problem. 

Asking patients how satisfied they are with these interactions is an incredibly useful tool. Understanding their satisfaction and knowing the critical drivers behind their scores is essential to be able to drive action to improve the experience.   

But how will these interactions fit into the wider patient journey? Patients today are interacting with healthcare through numerous channels, starting from patient feedback apps also, sites to the more conventional clinics, hospitals, and contact centers. 

Every last one of those connections affects their impression of the consideration they get, and the experience overall is the combined impact of all. So, understanding the experience of everyone is a decent beginning, however, you should have the option to unite them all to know precisely which lever to pull to give a superior in-general insight. 

Essentially, there are a few settings where ‘satisfaction’ is simply not important. Like, in a clinical setting, for instance, asking patients how fulfilled they were with the care they received. In these settings, patients expect safe, helpful, and skillful care, asking patients how satisfied they are won’t give any knowledge into those three basic expectations. 

 How Can You Improve Patient Satisfaction? 

While the main goal should be to improve the general patient experience, the actions you take because of your satisfaction surveys will probably assume a key part. 

Estimating satisfaction is only the beginning stage. To work on those individual responses, you should have the option to make a move on the feedback you get. 

That implies having the systems in place to gather feedback from patients, however, to analyze it at scale and distinguish the right subsequent stages to take. 

Likewise, setting up a closed-loop follow-up system is essential. This is commonplace in customer enterprises and turning out to be progressively famous in medical services, as well. 

A closed-loop system is the means by which you’re ready to make a move both at an individual and organizational level. Say for instance a patient gives a low CSAT score for your site’s appointment booking service and says they couldn’t finish their scheduling.  

Their satisfaction survey will add to your huge knowledge about how you can work on the assistance, yet with the right innovation set up, it could likewise set off activity for a colleague to reach out to the patient to follow up and assist them with finishing their booking. 

The satisfaction score in this model is the sign, the patient’s approach to saying ‘hello I really want some assistance here’, and by having the devices to act rapidly to assist them with finishing their journey, you can determine a terrible encounter. 

Important Tools to Improve Patient Satisfaction 

Here are the few common elements across any satisfaction survey that you need to have in order to use it effectively:

  • Real-time feedback at the minute that matters.  
  • Analytics to be able to recognize insights. 
  • Tools to empower action at an individual and organizational level.  

A top survey platform will assist you with doing a lot of that. However, as we’ve seen, satisfaction is just a little piece of the story with regard to medical services — you should have the option to understand the holistic experience across the entire patient lifecycle as well as the factors that influence patient perceptions along the way.  

That means you should have the option to pull the feedback, from satisfaction surveys and other patient feedback, into a solitary platform to get a start to finish perspective of the experience. Also, additionally, you want to consolidate it with functional data to comprehend how those experiences impact the organization’s important KPIs. 

Lastly, you really want to unite it with employee experience information — all things considered, the organization’s way of life, and the engagement, quality, and responsibility of its people have an impact on a patient’s perceptions as anything. 

That is where a patient experience platform comes in. You can gather feedback from patients across different channels, whether it’s email surveys after an appointment, through your application or website, or through social media and online review sites. 

Sujata Kushwaha

Sujata Kushwaha

Sujata Kushwaha is a Digital Marketing Executive at piHappiness. She is passionate about topics such as SaaS, technology and business.