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The system of eNPS of better known as employee Net Promoter Score is somewhat similar to what is used in the case of measuring NPS of customers. Companies measure NPS score to know whether their customers will recommend their products, services, or the brand to other customers or not. Similarly, companies wish to know whether their employees will recommend the work culture of the company for other people or not. 

The calculation is done in an almost similar way as customer NPS with the use of surveys and bringing out the detractors, promoters, and neutral.

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There have been a number of experts and HR professionals who have considered the practice to be one of the most convenient and effective practices to measure employee engagement. While on the other hand, there have been also some people who do not consider the system to be that effective. 

There are both pros and cons of the practice based on which it can be known whether it is the right metric for staff engagement or not. 

Simplistic and Transparent

The best thing about the eNPS is that it is free from complexity. The method of collecting the data and measuring the score is quite simple and also it is transparent in nature. You do not have to specially introduce the method in front of employees before conducting the survey. It is self-explanatory and can be understood quite easily. Also, when the results are out, there is nothing much complex in it that has to be researched or assumed. The data can be compared either with the past records of the organization or also with some other organizations. This comparison can easily let you know where your company stands in terms of employee / customer satisfaction

Measurement With Care

Every positive thing or approach can have a negative impact if it is not being used in the right way. If you have a high number of promoters, this does not mean that you have a high number of engagements of employees towards their job. If you have provided a lot of good facilities and the employee has a bunch of good acquaintances around, it can surely happen that the employee is not engaged in his or her job but is satisfied with other things at the workplace. Thus, in order to check out the exact engagement, it is important to check from where the ratings are coming. 

Hazy Indication

Not exactly a con but the system does not offer you a proper indication. It can let you know the number of promoters but it cannot lead you to the reason for the customer experience or how can you improve or maintain it. It will just let you know that you have done a great job or you need to improve upon your culture.

But in order to find out the actual causes, you may have to do extra research or need to compare it with other firms to find out.  This means the employee NPS will serve you will half the job is done. The rest of the job is still left out and for this; you may have to look out for some other alternatives or methods. 

Numerical Set up

Do you think numbers can actually measure human emotions? It can only provide you a standard to check out whether you have improved or not from the past or not and to compare your results with other organizations. But this does not exactly let you know about the real experience of the employees. If the system is matched up with some other surveys and options too, it can then surely help you in knowing the true causes of the failure or the win.


Having a check at the features of the eNPS, it can be derived that it has got both pros as well as cons. When it is about answering the question of whether it is a good metric to check the engagement of employees, the answer is difficult. The system does not hold demerit but it has to be used with some more measures to come up with the right results.

The right measurement of engagement and satisfaction can happen only when organizational commitment, job involvement, and job satisfaction can be all-together surveyed.

piHappiness offers such measures that can help the companies in coming up with results that are fruitful and worth relying upon. We understand the needs of the current firm and hence offer solutions accordingly.

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