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Customer complaints are a wonderful means to establish a direct connection with customers. Leverage this opportunity to change the customer’s mind and convert into a promoter. Customers are the driving wheels of revenue for any businesses and hence owners/management must ensure to maintain optimum customer satisfaction levels. You can employ a customer feedback app like piHappiness to keep a close watch on customer happiness trends round the clock.

Turn complaints into compliments with ease! 🌟

Let piHappiness transform your feedback into powerful insights today! 🚀

Whenever customers complain regarding a particular aspect of a business, take it on a positive note. Rather than just ignoring the complaints make sure to resolve the issues instantly. This leaves the customer satisfied and is sure going to shower compliments owing to timely action. By, employing customer feedback software like piHappiness into your business, it is quite easy to analyse customer complaints, gain actionable insights and increase engagement. 

In this article, we would like to offer you with few strategies to handle customer complaints efficiently to reduce churn and improve customer’s delight.

  • Capture and Accept the Feedback: Capturing customer feedback using paper logbooks is long gone. The latest trend to capture feedback is by the use of customer feedback software. There are many customer feedback systems available in the market to capture valuable feedback and offer insights related to customer satisfaction. Among them, piHappiness customer feedback app is at the forefront in offering affordable feedback solutions. The feedback software sends a customer satisfaction survey with embedded NPS question to know the satisfaction levels. Also, piHappiness employs multiple metrics such as emoticons, NPS scores, single and multi-questionnaire, feedback reasons to capture customer feedback. 
  • Be Proactive in Handling Customer Complaints: In today’s digital age, customers have multiple means to share their experience or feedback on the internet. They can leave feedback on forums, social media websites, comparison websites and so on. If a customer leaves a bad experience on any of the platforms it is sure going to impact brand reputation. You need to be proactive enough to actively engage the customer complaints before they make their way on to any one of the platforms.
  • Analyse and Act: piHappiness customer feedback app makes it easy to track customer satisfaction levels of businesses present in multiple locations from one place. The software sends location-based alerts to compare performance and thereby take necessary decisions. With customisable reports, it is possible to select a custom period to analyse the feedback responses. Whats more! piHappiness feedback software offers reports in multiple forms like pie charts, bar diagrams, for easy interpretation. All it takes is to carefully analyse the feedback data, identify the pain points and act swiftly.
  • Real-time Resolution: Devise a strategy to resolve customer complaints on the go. Implement an action plan so that the complaints are resolved efficiently. The piHappiness customer happiness app sends instant notifications to the owners/management via Email/SMS in case of low rating feedback. It offers an opportunity for them to devise a plan to resolve customer issues before they leave the premises. Hence the customers feel valued, and it leads to increased customer retention and engagement. The customers not only appreciate the swift action but also love to share their experience with their friends/colleagues. A positive word of mouth is the most powerful advertising that draws in new customers. 
  • Prepare Staff for Handling Customer Complaints: Here comes the important part. Communicate customer complaints to the different departments to let them know the nature of complaints. You can organize occasional instruction sessions and programs that help team members to acquire the skills and aptitude to handle customer complaints efficiently. With piHappiness, it is quite easy to analyse complaints and identify the key areas of a business that need improvement. Hence, you can subsequently communicate the relevant information to the teams so as to minimize the complaints in the relevant departments.  
  • Thank Customers for their Effort: Finally ensure to thank the customers for raising an issue. When a customer comes to you with complaints, it means they have some expectations towards your product or service. It is only because of the customer complaints that you have been able to identify the flaws in the product or service. They took time to share their thoughts and hence appreciating the customers for their effort is not at all a bad idea.
  • Follow it up: The feedback software captures all the contact details of the customer. Hence, you can make a call to customer after a few days and ask for feedback regarding the attempt at resolution of issue. It offers a wonderful means to assess the customer service experience and gain valuable insights. Your customers will appreciate at the extent of care you have taken for offering better service.

If you are able to follow the above-mentioned strategies, you are sure going to convert customers into brand evangelists. With the assistance of a renowned customer feedback platform like piHappiness, it is quite easy to convert customer complaints into compliments.

Chanakya Kyatham

Chanakya Kyatham

Chanakya Kyatham is a Senior Digital Marketing Manager at ParamInfo Computer Services Pvt Ltd and piHappiness. He is passionate about topics such as SaaS, productivity, Android and iOS, general technology, and business.