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Is your website not meeting the conversion goals? Do customers after visiting your website once do not return? Then you need to find out the reason for this low conversion rate.  

You can do this by directly asking your visitors about their experience with your brand and the website. And the best way to collect website on-page feedback is through customer feedback software 

What’s a Customer Feedback Button?  

customer feedback button.pngIt is a feedback button that can be used to collect feedback from online visitors or customers while they are visiting and searching your website.  

When a visitor clicks on the customer feedback button, an online feedback form will appear, which customers can fill out to share their feedback.  

Customer feedback buttons can be placed anywhere – either at the center, side tab, or at bottom of the web page. Once a customer gives feedback, all feedback is collected and modified to catch quick & short feedback either through a rating scale or through multiple-choice questions.

🚀 Enhance your site’s performance with a Feedback Button!

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To understand more about the real value of a website feedback button, it would be good to figure out how a customer feedback software functions and what benefits it can offer a business.  

Benefits of Adding Feedback Button to a Website 

There are numerous benefits of adding a customer feedback button to your website, some of the benefits include the following: 

Good Visibility  

A custom feedback button is always visible on the screen, and it can be easily spotted by your visitors. Visitors, without wasting their time can easily find it, which encourages them to share their feedback every time they find any difficulty on your website.  

What makes visitors like to share feedback on your website is that they do not have to leave your website or search any other page for contact details.  

You can put the customer feedback button on every single page of your website so that visitors do not need to really try hard each time they want to share some feedback. This way, their effort in sharing feedback is reduced.  

Floating survey buttons can also be used so that they are visible to visitors on the screen every time they scroll a page. All of this will increase the survey participation rate.     

No Requirement of Contact Details for Surveying 

To do a survey through other online feedback channels, a business needs a customer’s contact details such as email or phone.  

However, with the customer feedback button on your website, you will be able to collect feedback from everyone visiting your website without the need for contact details, irrespective of whether they make a transaction or not.  

So, every time a visitor faces any challenge while purchasing a product or asking for a service, they can inform you immediately without any delay.  

Let us take, for example, a visitor who is unable to buy a product or service due to some difficulty he/she faces while making the payment, then he/she can share the issue immediately by clicking on the customer feedback button. Your team can then easily resolve the person’s issue without letting it go unnoticed or unreported.  

Creates Experience of in-Store Shopping 

Many times, you get the most valuable feedback when you are not looking for it. But with the help of the customer feedback button, you can create the experience of in-store shopping and enable customers to speak their minds as they would when in a brick-and-mortar shop.  

For example, if they face any problem with web design, such as insufficient content, difficulty in navigation, etc. they can share the same.  

Unwanted feedback from some visitors will let you make some business innovations. For example, if your customers share a particular product or request you for a service that they are looking for, then you can try for a new business opportunity with established market demand to generate a new revenue stream.    

Allows to Share Feedback in Real-Time  

When you try to collect feedback from other channels like Email, SMS, or any Social Media Sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. you will not be able to collect feedback immediately after they experience your brand.  

However, with a customer feedback button, your visitors can get the chance to share their feedback in real-time. They will be able to share the good and bad experiences that they face with your business website while their experience is still fresh.  

This will make sure that you get the most accurate and actionable data that will help you to improve and deliver experiences that will make your brand stand out.  

Moreover, when your visitors are given more opportunities to share their feedback in real-time, there is a 99% chance that they will join the survey. However, if they find survey requests later, they will not care enough to share their feedback. Therefore, a customer feedback app will solve this problem and will allow your visitors to vent immediately and directly to you. 

Reporting of Usability Issues  

In general, users rarely share website feedback related to usability issues that stop them from buying a product or service. They jump off to a competitor’s website and purchase whatever product or service they require from that site.   

However, if you add a customer feedback button to your website, it will allow your visitors to share the bugs, design, and content errors that stopped them from making a transaction from your website.  

This sends a message to your visitors and potential customers that you care for them and value their feedback and are going to work on it further. And, in turn, increases the chances of your customers turning back to your website to make a purchase.     

How are feedback button tools different? 

Most customer feedback tools share similar functionality, but they differ in the overall experience they offer you and your users.   

The following are some of the differences to look out for: 

Screenshot feedback 

There are few feedback providers that allow users to take screenshots of the web page. This helps remove confusion and helps users quickly give feedback.  

It also helps save your team’s time while they process that feedback.  

Meta Information  

All customer feedback buttons must provide some of the other customizable feedback form. Few of the feedback button tools automatically capture information which is helpful for your team in diagnosing and fixing problems.  

This meta-information includes the following: 

  • Information about the user’s device 
  • Users’ information such as IP address and location
  • Browser Plugins 
  • Page URL 
  • Email   

Designed for Certain Environments 

There are few custom feedback tools that work anywhere, while others are designed only for specific environments. For example, there are few feedback tools that work only on WordPress websites.  

Some feedback tools are more flexible and can be used on most learning management systems, including Moodle. There are also some feedback tools that can be used in emails as well. 

Improving the Performance of Feedback Buttons  

Improving the performance of the customer feedback button will help you to achieve better results from your website. It will also help you look at some of the ways in which you can improve their performance.  

The golden rule is that there is no one-fits-all, however, you will have to test everything on a repeating basis to find a perfect spot for your website and website visitors.  

So, to ensure that you get actionable feedback you can do the following: 

  • Change the Positions of Buttons  

You can change the positions of buttons and place them in distinct positions so that your website visitors can easily see them. Placing them on the right side or at the bottom of the website is the best practice.  

  • Using Emojis 

By using emojis you can make things livelier, and people can easily relate to them more than just text or random images.  

However, do not go overboard and test it aligned with your audiences because some audiences love to have lots of emojis, while others prefer almost none.  

  • Multilanguage Feedback Button 

Using this feedback button, you will be able to use different languages to accommodate different users. It helps your users to comment using their native language with which they are familiar.  

  • Using Business Logo 

You can use your business logo and customized colors in your user feedback buttons or widgets.  

By doing this, you will help your website visitors know that it is part of your website. Hence, they will not ignore it.  


Knowing what your customers want or what they think about your business is particularly important in a business. Otherwise, it would be like searching for the needle in the haystack with closed eyes.  

So, if you do not want to guess or wonder what your customers want or why they are not purchasing your products or services, then using customer feedback software would be an excellent step toward answers.   

Sujata Kushwaha

Sujata Kushwaha

Sujata Kushwaha is a Digital Marketing Executive at piHappiness. She is passionate about topics such as SaaS, technology and business.